Sanctuary students general
conditions online bookings

These general conditions (which shall include the reservation form and any other documents referred to in them) apply to all online bookings at . Please read these general conditions carefully before making your booking and print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.

You should understand that placing an order through our website, you warrant that:
(a) you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts; and
(b) you are at least 18 years old.

Please click on the button marked “I Agree with the terms and conditions” if you agree to them.
Also understand that if you refuse to accept these terms and conditions, you will not be able to place a booking on our website.

1. Introduction

1.1. About Sanctuary Students: is a website operated by Sanctuary Student Homes Limited and Sanctuary Management Services Limited Registered office: Sanctuary House, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3ZQ. A company incorporated in England and Wales, Sanctuary Management Services Limited - Registration No. 04230906 and Sanctuary Student Homes Limited Registration No. 05025230 and a Registered Charity No. 1104833.Sanctuary Student Homes Limited and Sanctuary Management Services Limited are subsidiaries of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity.

1.2. About the Services: Sanctuary Students offers accommodation and associated goods and services on a room only or self-catering basis unless otherwise agreed, as more particularly described in the booking confirmation (“Accommodation Services”). The Client means the person(s) or other body who reserves or makes a booking for Accommodation Services.

1.3. About these terms: These terms below and the booking confirmation will govern the provision of Accommodation Services by Sanctuary Students, to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions put forward by the Client. The Client should read these terms carefully before requesting a booking for Accommodation Services. In the event of any ambiguity between these terms and the booking confirmation, these terms will prevail.

1.4. Business Customers and Consumers: Some of these terms will only apply where the Client is acting in connection with a business, trade, or profession (a “Business Customer”). Some of these terms will only apply where the Client is an individual or individuals booking Accommodation Services wholly or mainly for personal use (a “Consumer”). Where these terms do not specify whether they apply to Business Customers or Consumers, they will apply to both types of Client.

2. Booking Procedure / Confirmation

2.1. Securing a Booking: The Client’s booking for Accommodation Services (a “Booking“) will be confirmed and secured when SANCTUARY STUDENTS confirms its receipt of your online booking form and the non-refundable, non- transferable, full payment of your stay. Once you have received a confirmation of booking email the booking will then form a legally binding contract (the “Contract”). The Contract will only relate to the booking referred to in your confirmation email.

2.2. Client Agents: Should the Booking be placed by the Client via an agent, the Client accepts that the agent acts in that capacity as agent for the Client and not for SANCTUARY STUDENTS. The Client accepts full responsibility for payment of the Charges irrespective of whether they are made direct or via the agent.

2.3. Changes and cancellations: If the Client wishes to alter or cancel a Booking the Client should notify SANCTUARY STUDENTS in writing without undue delay. The Client accepts that the Charges are non-refundable and non-transferable in accordance with the Terms.

2.4. No-shows and early departures: Where a client with a confirmed Booking either does not arrive and check-in at all on the Booking date, or checks out earlier than anticipated before the Booking date has ended, no refunds of the Charges will be payable by SANCTUARY STUDENTS.

2.5. SANCTUARY STUDENTS cancellations: SANCTUARY STUDENTS may terminate the contract immediately and cancel the Booking by notice in writing to the Client without any further liability to provide Accommodation Services to the Client in the following circumstances:
2.5.1. if the Booking might, in SANCTUARY STUDENTS reasonable opinion, prejudice or be detrimental to its reputation.
2.5.2. if any payment of the Charges (including any instalment payment) becomes overdue.
2.5.3. if Sanctuary Students becomes aware of any material alteration in the Client’s financial situation which could place outstanding payments of the Charges at risk.
2.5.4. if in SANCTUARY STUDENTS sole discretion the presence of the Client or any Booking attendees would pose a risk to the safety of SANCTUARY STUDENTS personnel, other guests or members of the general public.
Where SANCTUARY STUDENTS terminates the contract in accordance with this clause 2.5 any payment made is not refundable nor transferable.

3. Charges and Payment

3.1. Charges: SANCTUARY STUDENTS Charges for the Booking will be as set out in the booking confirmation, are based on SANCTUARY STUDENTS current room rates and are payable in pounds sterling. VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate at the time of payment. Rates are subject to availability at the time the Booking is confirmed.

3.2. Availability and Timings: Any rooms or facilities reserved as part of the Booking will be available for the times stated in the booking confirmation. Any extended use of such rooms or facilities may incur additional Charges, and a reduction in time of use will not entitle the Client to any reduction in the Charges.

3.3. Additional Guests or Charges: Where the Booking dates are extended, or the number of guests using the Booking exceeds the number advised by the Client when placing the Booking, or where additional services are provided in connection with a Booking, SANCTUARY STUDENTS will use reasonable endeavours to provide such additional services. SANCTUARY STUDENTS will be entitled to increase the Charges payable by the Client accordingly except where the Client has instructed SANCTUARY STUDENTS Ltd in writing to obtain cash payment direct from the requestor and will issue a final invoice on or after the Booking date to reflect its additional Charges, to be payable on receipt by the Client.

3.4. Payment: The Charges are payable in full at the time of booking. Payment is accepted by Visa, Mastercard and Visa debit. Any invoice queries must be notified by the Client to SANCTUARY STUDENTS without delay and any undisputed balance of the Charges will be payable in full on the due date and the remainder on resolution of the invoice query.

3.5. Unforeseen changes: In the event of circumstances beyond SANCTUARY STUDENTS reasonable control (e.g. increases in the rate of VAT or other costs payable in connection with the Accommodation Services), SANCTUARY STUDENTS reserves the right to vary the Charges by notice in writing to the Client, to an extent which reflects such changed circumstances.

3.6. Children: Some sites do not have facilities for children to be accommodated please refer to specifics for your chosen site. Where children are accommodated on site, Children under the age of 14 must be supervised by an adult at all times.

3.7. Pets: Sanctuary Students enforces a no-pet policy across the portfolio. Therefore, it generally prohibits individuals from bringing animals inside any Sanctuary Students owned, leased, or managed buildings. Exceptions can be made under certain circumstances, for Assistance, Therapy and Companion Animals. Assistance, Companion, or Therapy animals may not be brought into Sanctuary Students Accommodation without prior written approval. Separate terms and conditions may apply.

3.8. Parking: Where onsite parking is available. SANCTUARY STUDENTS takes no responsibility for vehicles parked onsite, and the Client accepts that vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk. SANCTUARY STUDENTS recommends that owners do not leave valuables unattended in their vehicles.

4. Liability

4.1 Nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit a Party's liability for:
4.1.1. death or personal injury cause by a party's own negligence or that of its employees, agents and sub-contractors; or
4.1.2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
4.1.3. breach of any obligation as to title implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982; or
4.1.4. any liability to the extent it cannot be limited or excluded by law.

4.2. Equipment & possessions: Subject to clause 4.1 SANCTUARY STUDENTS does not accept responsibility for the property, equipment, or personal possessions of either the Client or any of its employees, agents, contractors, or guests (together “Associates”)

4.3. Business Customers: Subject to clause 4.1, where the Client is a Business Customer:
4.3.1. SANCTUARY STUDENTS will not be liable to the Client, whether in contract, delict (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the Booking or the Accommodation Services; and
4.3.2. SANCTUARY STUDENTS total liability to the Client for all other losses arising under or in connection with the Services, whether in contract, delict (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall be limited to 100% of the Charges payable by the Client to SANCTUARY STUDENTS for the Accommodation Services.

4.4. Consumers: Subject to clause 4.1, where the Client is a Consumer SANCTUARY STUDENTS will not be liable to the Client for business losses. If the Client is a consumer the Accommodation Services are provided for domestic and private use and not for business use.

4.5. Overall cap on liability: Subject to clause 4.1 and without prejudice to clauses 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, SANCTUARY STUDENT's total aggregate liability arising under or in connection with these terms, whether arising in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise shall be limited to £5m (five million pounds sterling).

5. Client’s Obligations

5.1. General obligations: The Client must ensure that both the Client and its Associates:
5.1.1. comply fully with all applicable laws in place in respect of the booking, with all of our policies and procedures which are available at the relevant property including fire regulations and procedures; (including, without limitation, any applicable health and safety regulations, to include fire safety ie Not to tamper, interfere, alter or cover any fire safety equipment or system, including fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and fire alarm systems including smoke detectors).
5.1.2. conduct themselves appropriately at all times, and do not act in a disorderly or unsuitable manner.
5.1.3. check in and check out at the appropriate time.
5.1.4. keep and leave the accommodation clean and tidy.
5.1.5. will be responsible for the cost of making good any damage done by either you or any members of your party or any invited guests.
5.1.6. will notify us of any breakages and damage as soon as possible.
5.1.7. ensure that any children are appropriately supervised by an adult at all times.
5.1.8. will not allow pets or any other animals onto the premises.
5.1.9. comply with any reasonable requests of SANCTUARY STUDENTS staff.
5.1.10. do not bring illegal, dangerous, or hazardous items to the accommodation; and
5.1.11. do not carry out any electrical or other works at the venue, without SANCTUARY STUDENTS prior written consent.

5.2. Logos & branding: The Client must not use SANCTUARY STUDENTS logo, name or branding in any publicity or promotional materials unless agreed in advance in writing by SANCTUARY STUDENTS. Any proofs or drafts of such materials must be approved by SANCTUARY STUDENTS in advance of publication.

5.3. Displays & decorations: The affixing of signs, displays, decorations and posters to any part of the accommodation is strictly prohibited unless agreed in advance in writing by SANCTUARY STUDENTS, and items must not be attached to any fixed walls with nails, staples, tape or other fixings or adhesives. SANCTUARY STUDENTS is happy to assist in organizing display boards for the Client’s Booking on request. The Client will be responsible for any damage to the accommodation (including costs of repair or redecoration) caused by a breach of this clause
5.3 by the Client or any of its Associates.

5.4. Client acknowledgement: The Client accepts full responsibility for any breach of these terms, negligence, or misconduct by its Associates, and will be liable to SANCTUARY STUDENTS in full for any damage or loss caused by an Associate. Should the Client or any Associate be asked to desist with any aspect of poor behavior or unacceptable activity and is unable to do so, SANCTUARY STUDENTS reserves the right to require that person to leave the venue or terminate the Booking without refund to the Client.

6. General

6.1. Unforeseen events: Subject to clause 4.1, SANCTUARY STUDENTS will not be liable for any breach of contract or failure to provide the Services that is due to circumstances beyond SANCTUARY STUDENTS reasonable control including (but not limited to): strikes, labour disputes, accidents, adverse weather conditions or other causes beyond SANCTUARY STUDENTS reasonable control. The Client accepts that it is free to take out its own separate insurance to cover any cancellation, damage, third party liability or other unforeseen circumstances.

6.2. Transfer: SANCTUARY STUDENTS may transfer its rights and obligations under the contract to another organisation at any time by notifying the Client in writing. The Client is not permitted to transfer its rights and obligations under the contract without SANCTUARY STUDENTS prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld).

6.3. Third party rights: No person who is not a party to the contract shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

6.4. Severability: If a court finds part of the contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of these terms operates separately and if any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining terms will remain in full force and effect.

6.5. Delay: Any delay by SANCTUARY STUDENTS in enforcing its rights under the contract will not prevent SANCTUARY STUDENTS from enforcing those rights at a later date.

6.6. Liability: Where the Client is two or more individuals, the Client’s obligations under these terms are joint and several.

6.7. Writing: References in these terms to “writing” include email and comparable means of written communication.

6.8. Governing law: These terms and the contract between SANCTUARY STUDENTS and the Client (and any issues, disputes, or claims (whether contractual or not contractual) arising out of in connection with them or their subject matter or formation) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.