Our partners

We've partnered with the below companies to help make your student experience as easy as possible. As a Sanctuary Students resident, you'll also receive exclusive promotions from these partners.

Our partners

Student beans

Why not take the hassle out of buying and transporting your bedding and kitchen items by preordering from our friends at UniKitOut.

All you need to do is visit the UniKitOut website, choose the items you want, select your residence, then confirm and pay for your goods. The pack will then be pre-delivered directly to your residence so it is there ready and waiting for you when you arrive, leaving you to quickly settle into your new and exciting environment.

Don’t forget to enter promotional code: SANCTUARY10 to receive 10% off.

Student beans logo


Why not take the hassle out of buying and transporting your bedding and kitchen items by preordering from our friends at UniKitOut.

All you need to do is visit the UniKitOut website, choose the items you want, select your residence, then confirm and pay for your goods. The pack will then be pre-delivered directly to your residence so it is there ready and waiting for you when you arrive, leaving you to quickly settle into your new and exciting environment.

Don’t forget to enter promotional code: SANCTUARY10 to receive 10% off.


Seven seas

If you are moving overseas to Sanctuary Students accommodation, Seven Seas Worldwide will store and move your stuff. It’s simple.

Offering a complete door-to-door shipping, moving and storage service, they can take the hassle out of moving overseas and gives you one less thing to worry about. You can send and store as many boxes as you need and move in day can run much smoother.

You’ll get:

  • Free packing boxes and packing materials.

  • Two weeks free storage when shipping overseas.

    • Two weeks free storage when shipping overseas.

Severn Seas Worldwide logo
Need more info?

Our goal is to equip you with all the necessary information & resources to make this process as smooth as possible. So, don't hesitate – explore our website today and find your dream student accommodation!